The Department of International Law at Ludovika – University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary cordially invites you to a conference themed: War and Peace in the 21st Century
Topic: The Lifecycle of Modern Armed Conflicts
Date: 23 September 2022
The war between Russia and Ukraine has reignited old debates on the right to wage war (ius ad bellum) as well as rules to abide by in an armed conflict (ius in bello) along with their ramifications in international criminal law. The conference aims not only to provide a platform for these notions but to also delve deeper into how conflicts can be prevented and resolved, either through diplomatic or judicial methods and how modern peace treaties can be envisioned.
Please submit applications by sending an abstract of 150-300 words on the proposed topic of the presentation and article to the following address: [email protected]
Deadline: 15 July 2022
Applicants will be notified of the success of their submissions by 15 August. Abstracts from the field of public international law will be given priority.
Publication option available for conference attendees.
Suggested Topics (non-exhaustive list)
- Legal background and enforcement of ius ad bellum/ius contra bellum
- The validity of self-defence argumentation
- Atrocity prevention in war-time reasoning
- Applicability of humanitarian intervention and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P)
- Current violations of ius in bello
- The ‘nuclear option’ in armed conflicts
- Armed conflicts and refugees
- Peace treaties and their legal nature
- Peacekeeping initiatives
- International crimes and how to decide whether they are committed
- Crime of aggression and possible first cases
- Relevance of the International Criminal Court and its possible deterrent effect