Semester 2 – May to June 2023
Semester 3 – September to October 2023
15 February 2023 for the Semester 2 – May 2023 intake
15 June 2023 for the Semester 3 – September 2023 intake
Short description
The program will provide valuable insight into working at a leading global arbitral institution, albeit virtually, and will help you gain a better understanding of the role and function of the Secretariat.
During your time with SIAC, you will have an opportunity to contribute to SIAC’s work, including assisting the Secretariat with research projects on various topics. You will also work on mock cases inspired by real-life SIAC cases, and receive feedback from members of the Secretariat.
The internship will be for a fixed period of two months, on a part-time basis. You will contribute 10 hours of work each week unless otherwise agreed. The internship is not remunerated.
Detailed info
For detailed information, please visit the official website.