Huseynzade Farahim [1] Annotasiya İnnovasiyaların maliyyələşmə yolu qlobal səviyyədə daim dəyişikliyə uğramaqdadır. Vençur kapital sənayesinin inkişafı bir sıra yeni inoovativ...
In the section of articles in our blog, you can read articles, translation, legal research papers and other posts written by lawyers on cutting-edge legal issues.
The importance of immunities for the function of international organizations
Introduction. International organizations enjoy privileges and immunities in order to carry out their purposes and functions smoothly and unhindered in...
Which have been more effective in promoting gender equality: the UN Charter-based bodies or UN Treaty-based bodies?
INTRODUCTION During the last few decades, the United Nations has played a crucial role for empowerment of women through the...
Dual agency in commercial representations
For implementation of their civil rights and duties, natural persons and legal entities quite often resort to services of those...
Criminal-legal characteristic of bribery
Corruption crimes are the oldest and most common crimes in the world. They threaten democracy, the rule of law, human...
Notion and social danger of international crimes
It is known that an international crime is a type of international offence. Any offense, in order to be characterized...
Patenting genes: legal and ethical aspects
This article examines main challenges of patenting human genes. In the light of modern achievements in biotechnology and genetics, these...
Usage of Material Adverse Change provisions in the legal and judicial practice of Azerbaijan Republic
Material Adverse Change Provisions in the Legal and Judicial Practice of Azerbaijan Comment on ‘Plenary decision of the Constitutional Court...