Deadline.1st batch – 1 August to 30 September 2020; 2nd batch – 1 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 Short description. The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB’s current operational needs. The internship program offers the opportunity to: work in a major...
Category: Internships
Asian Development Bank Internship Program
Deadline.1st batch – 1 August to 30 September 2020; 2nd batch – 1 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 Short description. The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB’s current operational needs. The internship program offers the opportunity to: work in a major...
OECD Internship Programme 2021
Deadline.28 February 2021 Location. Paris, France Short description. The OECD Internship Programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General and to support the corporate functions of the Organisation. Its main goal is to give successful...
OECD Internship Programme 2021
Deadline.28 February 2021 Location. Paris, France Short description. The OECD Internship Programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the Secretary-General and to support the corporate functions of the Organisation. Its main goal is to give successful...
Deadline. 2 December Location. USA Short description. The Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program is a four-month, full-time residential program based out of Yale’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. The Program runs annually from mid-August to mid-December. The Program provides World Fellows the opportunity to expand their vision, learn from each other, and grow personally...
OPEC Fund’s Young Professional Development Program (YPDP) 2020
OPEC Fund’s Young Professional Development Program (YPDP) 2020 Deadline. 21 September, 2020 Location. Austria Short description. The OPEC Fund’s Young Professional Development Program (YPDP) is a structured two-year program designed to prepare young professionals from the OPEC Fund’s member countries for a career in global development. The Young Professional Development Program will enable young professionals...
Internship at SWP (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)
Internship at SWP (German Institute for International and Security Affairs) Deadline. 30 September Location. Germany Short description. SWP offers a limited number of three-month full-time internships for highly motivated students. They are particularly interested in attracting young academics in political science and related social sciences (economics, law, administration, occasionally also regional studies, ethnology, or journalism). Eligibility. Students...
Traineeships with Members of the European Parliament
Deadline. No specific deadline Location. Brussels or Strasbourg Short description. Members of the European Parliament may offer paid traineeships at their offices in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels (or Strasbourg) based on an agreement with the European Parliament. A traineeship will enhance your education and your vocational training. It will allow you...
Internship in the field of Human Rights from the United Nations
Deadline. 31 January 2021 Location. Switzerland Short description. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights calls application for an internship program in Switzerland. The internship is unpaid and full time where interns work five days per week (35 hours). This internship is available for 2 months with the possibility of extension...
Internship in the field of Human Rights from the United Nations
Deadline. 31 January 2021 Location. Switzerland Short description. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights calls application for an internship program in Switzerland. The internship is unpaid and full time where interns work five days per week (35 hours). This internship is available for 2 months with the possibility of extension...