Clifford Chance Scholarship for Diverse Students in Europe

Deadline: 30 November 2022

Clifford Chance intends to make available 3 scholarships for an amount of Euro 10,000 each to deserving students with diverse backgrounds.

Application Requirements

  • You are about to start the final two years of your law studies in a University in Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, or Luxembourg and will graduate between 2023 and 2026.
  • You are majoring in business, commercial, Litigation and Dispute Resolution, finance, and /or banking law.
  • You have a positive academic track record, in particular in the abovementioned courses (in your major).
  • You want to pursue a career in an international business law firm.

In addition to the fulfillment of the Application Requirements, Clifford Chance is particularly keen to hear from students with diverse backgrounds or who are the first generation of their families to attend university/higher education.

How To Apply

In order to apply and be considered for the Clifford Chance Scholarship for Diverse Students in Europe, you must submit:

  • a curriculum vitae in English;
  • your most recent University transcript with grades;
  • a motivational letter in English, specifying the following in three different paragraphs of max. 270 words each (total of max. 810 words):
  • Tell us about yourself, what you like to do, what motivates you, and what your passions are;
  • Tell us how you meet the Application Requirements for this scholarship and why we should award it to you;
  • Tell us how you intend to spend the scholarship (eg to attend a law summer school, buy law school books, follow a legal English course, etc.).
  • all the relevant documents required and necessary to support the abovementioned Application Requirements.

NB: Applications sent via email or post will not be considered. All applications must be submitted via the online portal. If you are unable to apply online, please contact the local Clifford Chance office.


The deadline for submitting applications will be 30 November 2022.

The end of the selection process and the award of the Clifford Chance Scholarship for Diverse Students in Europe will be in March 2023.

Selection Procedure

The applications submitted will be first distributed to and evaluated by the local HR teams of the relevant jurisdiction where the applicant is based. All screening will take place once the deadline has passed. After being screened locally, the most promising applications of each jurisdiction will be forwarded to a European selection committee, which will identify three students to receive the scholarship.

The applicants who were not successful in the award of the Clifford Chance Scholarship for Diverse Students in Europe will be notified by email by March 2023 of the status of their application and they will be kept in consideration for exclusive events and initiatives organized by the relevant Clifford Chance offices. Applicants who are not in their final two years of study, or who do not meet the above criteria will be ineligible to be considered for the scholarship. The decision of the judging panel is final.

For more information and application, please follow this link.