YSEC is pleased to announce a call for submissions

Open Call // YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions is pleased to announce a call for submissions for the fourth volume of the Yearbook (2023).

Call for contributions to Part I of YSEC Volume IV (2023) on the theme: “LAW AND THE GOVERNANCE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”

The YSEC also welcomes contributions for its general part (Part II) focused on any relevant current developments in the broader field of the Yearbook’s coverage, which can be summarized as a contemporary analysis of the challenges that constitutional frameworks face in balancing fundamental economic and social interests at the local, national, regional, and global level. Prospective contributors may consider that the Yearbook’s mission is to present current research on legal issues of socio-economic constitutional importance without limitations regarding approaches and theoretical perspectives while establishing a forum for doctrinal legal treatment of the questions that various socio-economic constitutions are faced with within today’s globalized context.

For Part III we warmly welcome proposals for book reviews.

Deadline for proposals (for all three parts of YSEC IV): 30 September 2022.

Submission of proposals: Proposals of no more than 500 words should be uploaded to the YSEC Submissions Platform. Successful applicants will be notified in October 2022. The deadline to submit the paper is 1 March 2023. The manuscripts will be subjected to double-blind peer review and authors will receive the comments from the editors and the reviewers. The deadline for the final submission of the contribution is 30 June 2023. Authors will use the template provided by the YSEC and follow the YSEC’s style guide, both of which will be provided upon successful application.

Series Editors: Steffen Hindelang and Andreas Moberg

Editorial Board: Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi, Johanna Engström, Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Dr. Teoman Hagemeyer-Witzleb, Martin Johansso, Stefan Korte, J. Hillebrand Pohl, Eva Storskrubb, Suzana Tavares da Silva, Georges Vallindas, and Paolo Vargiu.


For further information please visit this link.