Abstract The dynamic development of migration processes requires states to constantly improve their migration legislation. A study was conducted on the basis of migration legislation of advanced European countries to develop new proposals on the regulation of the rules for issuing residence permits in the Republic of Azerbaijan. During this study, a request was also...
Author: Lawels (Lawels )
LAWELS Online Legal Journal 2023 (volume 01, issue 01) – Academic Essay Project
With great excitement, LAWELS shares its first Online Legal Journal (Volume 01 | issue 01) within the Academic Essay Project. This journal is initiated within the Academic Essay Project being implemented since November 2022. This volume touches upon many aspects of EU and international law, as well as up-to-date topics in the regulatory field. The...
The establishment of common goals to boost disaster resilience in the areas of civil protection
The European Commission has adopted a Recommendation and Communication act setting out common objectives for enhancing disaster resilience in civil protection areas. This includes ways to better prepare European countries for natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods and forest fires. Given the rapidly changing risk landscape, Europe’s disaster resilience objectives aim to increase the capacity of...
Seminar on Competition law and sector regulation in the telecom and pharmaceutical sectors
Date: 22 March 2023 Time: 15:00 – 19:30 CET Location: Bird&Bird, Av. Louise 235, 1050, and Online Short description: The seminar focuses on the interaction of EU competition law and sector-specific regulation in the telecommunications and pharmaceutical sectors. In network industries such as telecommunications, energy, or railway, economic regulation aims at fostering market liberalisation by...
The First Annual Conference of the European Commission Legal Service
Date: 17 Mar 2023, 13:15 – 22:20 (online) Organizer: European Commission As the European Commission’s Legal Service turns 70 years, it is a great opportunity to highlight the importance of EU law for citizens and to facilitate a forum of discussion of the most pressing legal challenges: 1) Implementation and enforcement of the internet and...
DMA Workshop on the Interoperability between messaging services
Location: Brussels Time: 27 February 2023 Deadline: In-person: 15th February at noon Online: 22nd February at 6 pm Brussels time Short description Workshop will discuss how to ensure effective compliance with the Digital Markets Act. This workshop will address issues such as end-to-end encryption, security or the identification of users across different messaging services. Following...
Workshop on the DMA and app store-related provisions
Location: Brussels Time: 6 March 2023 Deadline: In-person: 20th February at 6 pm Brussels time Online: 2nd March at 6 pm Brussels time Short description Workshop will discuss how to ensure effective compliance with the Digital Markets Act. This workshop will address issues such as alternative in-app payment systems, steering and sideloading. Following the introductory...
Non-transposition of EU legislation: actions to ensure complete and timely transposition of EU directives
The European Commission is adopting a package of infringement decisions due to the absence of communication by Member States of measures taken to transpose EU directives into national law. The Commission is sending a letter of formal notice to those Member States who have failed to notify national measures transposing directives, and whose transposition deadline...
World Intellectual Property Day Video Competition
Entry deadline: March 19, 2023, at 23:59 CET The World Intellectual Property Day 2023 Video Competition is an opportunity for you to share your ideas on how an inclusive innovation ecosystem can unleash the ingenuity and creativity of girls and women to build a better tomorrow for the benefit of all. Show why it is...
Workshop on Procedural Safeguards in Competition Enforcement
Date of Event: 22 February 2023 Location: OECD Conference Centre, Paris This one-day seminar, open only to representatives of competition authorities, will focus on the following issues: collection of evidence in relation to the procedural safeguards of the parties; decision-making; assessment powers in the respect of the procedural safeguards of the parties It will also...